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Building a
Better Future Together

We are cultivating a permanent, supportive village for chronically unhoused people and intentional neighbors.

Dignity First is...


a 501c3 nonprofit in Bangor, Maine focused on addressing houselessness by creating safe, stable, permanent housing and building a support network which honors the dignity of unhoused people. Founded in 2019, Dignity First was built on the principal of neighbors caring for neighbors. Throughout our research, interaction with our community, guidance from many different people with varied experiences, we truly believe the cause of houselessness is not a loss of housing. It is the profound and catastrophic loss of family. When the strong connection and support of family is lost, the village MUST step in to fill that void.


Bangor is short on housing for both renters and first-time homebuyers due to low inventory and fierce competition for a limited number of units, while current tenants have seen their rents rise by hundreds of dollars.


September 2022 BDN Article by Lia Russell

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Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Seuss, Lorax
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109 State St. Ste 6 | Bangor, Maine 04401 | (207) 331-4489 | 

© 2023 by Dignity First, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Dignity First's EIN: 84-2586609

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